Who was your plate first registered to?

Who was your Historic Plate originally registered to?

We have a very rare list of registered owners and their vehicle makes for historic plates SA “1” through to “1100”, from c. 1906.

We also have a list of registered owners up to plate SA “10-000”, plus a few additional numeric series including the rare leading zero historic plates.

If you'd like a Certificate of your plate's original ownership details, email us at sell@historicplates.com.au with the details of your historic plate and we will happily send you a copied excerpt of your plate and it's original ownership details,  from these rare old historical records. Free with our compliments. Email us here:


The official Department of Transport’s early registration records were destroyed in a fire many years ago, and we are fortunate to be the custodians of old copies of this rare material and are happy to make it available to historic plate owners.

www.historicplates.com.au, your No1 site for everything SA historic plates.

Here's a sample Certificate: